Brevity is not my friend,
But storytelling is my strength
So what do you do?
I get asked again and again
I try to answer,
But it appears, my answer to you does not make any sense
*Mic Drop*
Pearls of wisdom courtesy toddler-mumhood that can help you make anything into a song!
So, what DO I do? Well, it’s simple, really. But it makes more sense when I tell you how I got here rather than just what I do (storytelling really IS my strength).
What I do has been in the making for at least 15 years. Fifteen years of qualifications from four universities across four cities, along with rigorous training and work experience across two countries, a pandemic (two years of lockdowns and restrictions – where my fellow Melburnians at?!), parenthood, and finally an itch to be true to myself.
What remained steady was my hankering to do something that felt exciting and joyful. Alas, I couldn’t find that gig.
So I created it.
When I studied psychology, it was like understanding the mechanics of how the human brain and behaviour works. Super exciting stuff. But when I started practicing, the excitement faded with each passing day. So, I tried a different tonic: working in different spaces and at different levels: public, private, academia, community, public health both in client facing and leadership roles (over the course of about 7 years) but the joy just kept dissipating. I was constantly burnt out and realized it wasn't my area of expertise that I was fed up with; but the way and setting in which I was applying my skills.
I was working in a reactive space: something is broken, fix it. OR a preventative space: get in there to avoid breakage. Sure, these models are needed when they are needed (and thank goodness for that) – however, our world has become a place where we ONLY have these systems. We are using these models and responses way beyond their justified utility.
So what I wanted to do came down to that one steady thing for me – feeling excited, and finding joy in what I do. I found this joy and excitement in the proactive space: nurturing the goodness and the strengths in individuals and groups, to thrive, not just survive.
Glass half full kind of thing? Nah, glass full full kind of thing. Full with nurture and strength so there isn’t any room for anything else. This does not mean that things will never become rocky, but it does mean that by filling your life with positive forces, you can lead a more fulfilling life. You don't have to settle for just being "okay"; there's always room to thrive and be better than okay.
So I became a Wellbeing Coach. THATS what I do. But what DOES a wellbeing coach do?
I use the modality of psychoeducation to help individuals and groups realise their full potential. Ugh, so pristine. Lets try this again.
I help individuals and groups understand their own growth and development potential, and how to apply those learnings. My goal? To help you get excited about life and find joy in your everyday moments, whether you’re navigating the chaos of parenting or tackling work challenges. I’m here to help you discover and nurture the best version of yourself, whatever stage of life you are in.
So what is your steady? What is your joy? What is your mic-drop (or dab) thing?
Want to know more about my work? Send an enquiry or book a free discovery call to chat and find out more!